Improving the quality of life for people diagnosed with OI

Brittle Bone, Disability & Total Wellness At Covid-19

Project Info

Project Description

OIFN International 2020 Online Zoom Webinar

We welcome every to join in our zoom Webinar meeting which we are privileged to have Joycatherine Njeru. A Civil Servant in the Ministry of Health, Kenya. She is also a Mental Heath Champion who will be speaking on the topic: ”Staying well and Sane, Mental Wellness at Covid-19”. With all the madness around the globe with the pandemic that has mostly affected people living with disabilities all around the globe, most people including those living with one form of disability or another are dealing with issues around mental health. It is so important to talk about this and to help people living with disability cope well in this unprecedented times.

Julliet Makhapila, our guest speaker who is Community Transformer/Changemaker: Founder of the UK Africa Diaspora Forum. She would be speaking on ”How can different government/Nations play a good role to support the wellness of persons with brittle bone condition and disabilities”?

Our third and last speaker is Chioma Francess Nwankwor Registered Nutritionist Dietitian(RDN)
Clinical Dietitian Marigold hospital and critical care center Nigeria, who will be taking us on a ride and speaking on ”Balancing Oneself with Nutrition at Covid-19”.

We can not stress enough on healthy eating especially at this time of covid which has clearly shown how important it is to keep our diet healthy to help us fight diseases and virus so why not make it a date with us to learn more about brittle bone disease.

Information on how to join the meeting

Topic: Brittle Bone, Disability & Total Wellness at covid-19
Time: Aug 29, 2020 01:00 PM London & Nigerian time

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