On 17th November 2018 we hosted the OIFN annual national conference of the Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone) Foundation of Nigeria in Lagos. OIFN was founded by Tarela Aghanti, who is a new partner with Wheels in Nigeria. We were honoured and had the privilege of having two members from the Wheel UK to attend the conference on behalf of the UK team. The conference was well attended by families who are affected by children with OI. Government officials and local tribal chiefs also attended. A local king sent his apologies but did send someone to represent him. Our partners from the UK were very warmly welcomed and enjoyed the talks as well as meeting all the families. One mother had traveled for four hours by bus with her four year old son who has OI. She was struggling to cope with the condition and had come to meet other families with children who have OI.
On the day at the event few wheelchairs were giving out for free to children with severe condition. The conference was very informative and educational on OI.