UK OI Awareness Event
You are all welcome to our UK awareness Programme.
Brittle bone (OI) is rare condition but its very much present, a condition that affects the collagen of an individual making the bones brittle and prone to fractures. Yes, prone to fractures.
We are raising awareness and funds for children affected with the condition to have life changing rodding surgery, come be part of something amazing today, together we can make a huge difference in these lives. come learn more about our charity and the work we do to make a difference, come learn more about the condition.
There will be snacks, raffles with fantastic prices, raffle tickets to be sold at the venue on the day, there will be available for sale at the venue OIFN yellow T shirts with the logo printed on the T shirt for £5, pls be aware that all funds raised goes towards life changing RODDING SURGERY for OI children in Nigeria.
Please join us, together we can make this change happen.
Thank you.